Search Query Relevance of Category and Daily 1000 Visitors

The first is to determine what the site is about. This is important because otherwise the search engine would display irrelevant sites for queries. For example, if the site is mainly about baboons, but happens to mention the phrase ‘sausages’ once (as in “Bob the baboon just loves sausages”), the site shouldn’t be pulled up for queries for ‘sausages’.

Search Query Relevance of Category and Daily 1000 Visitors


A search engine makes this distinction by looking at the relative density of the keywords and phrases on the site. The term ‘keyword density’ has gone out of fashion, and absolute measures of keyword density (such as 5%) are no longer considered to be a factor by most SEO experts. But relative keyword density continues to play a role. If the term ‘baboon’ has a higher keyword density than ‘sausages’ on a site, the search engines assume that the site is about baboons more than it is about sausages.

As far as the determination of relevance goes, very little has changed since 1998: search engines still decide how relevant a site is to a particular query by analyzing the keywords on a site.

1. Display Priority of Search Query Relevance

The other thing the search engine does is prioritize the sites which are relevant for a search query. Most people refer to this as relevance, which isn’t incorrect as, while all the sites returned for a query are deemed to be relevant to the query, the degree varies. Sorting the sites by degree of relevance is referred to here as prioritization.

This is what the SEO industry is mostly concerned about. A large number of factors are taken into account, such as link popularity, anchor text of inbound links, domain age, traffic, and so on.

2. Niche Identification of Search Query Relevance

Qirina is not concerned with the prioritization of sites. Our main role is to help site owners understand how easy or difficult it is for search engines to identify the relevance of their site.

If Qirina has a hard time correctly identifying the niche of a site, then so does a search engine. Admittedly, search engines are better at it, and do more things. They look at inbound links, ‘alt’ tags, and they crawl all the pages of a site. However, that doesn’t mean site owners should make it difficult for a search engine to determine the niche of a site.

3. On-Site SEO of Search Query Relevance

Good on-site SEO can substantially help search engines understand what a site is about. Think of it as not making things unnecessarily hard for the search engines.For example, if you have a site about baboons, there is no need to flood your front page content with the keyword ‘baboons’. That would rightly be considered spamming and your site would end up penalized. However, make sure your front page doesn’t mention the word ‘sausage’ more often than it does ‘baboons’, otherwise search engines will assume your site is more about sausages than it is about baboons.

Also watch out for two- and three-word phrases. Important phrases such as ‘baboon tribe’ should occur more often than unimportant phrases such as ‘pork sausage’. You can use Qirina as a guide in optimizing the content of your front page. If Qirina successfully identifies the niche of your site, then at least search engines will know what it is about.

Yes, many of us feel like this the first time we set up a blog. Directionless, helpless, perhaps a bit frantic too. The frantic appeals to be noticed in the clamorous world of bloggers mostly fall on deaf ears, already numbed by the cacophony of web content. When I started, this is how the cookie crumbled and before long, I was already feeling disillusioned. The search for techniques of success mostly makes us stumble on a lot of technical jargon, which hardly make any sense. But I am made of sterner stuff, if you have noticed. Instead of feeling outsmarted, I commenced on a round of detailed introspection. After all, no matter what, writing does begin with you, and hence, therein lies the source of all answers.

4. Brainstorm of Search Query Relevance

Honestly, nothing replaces a fair bit of research. I strongly feel that it truly helps to know oneself.

Brainstorm and thoroughly research blog ideas. Find out which of these fits you and your personality type, because that will determine how much you are suited to this, Force a rethink till you are absolutely sure. It helps to believe.Despite a strong foundation, it is fairly easy to stumble and fall. It is equally difficult to pick ourselves up and build from the ruins. I might sound a little preachy, but I would rather risk that. Belief is the only way forward, believe me!

5. The Concept of Search Query Relevance

At its nascent stage, an idea is often lost or appears flimsy. It can even appear insignificant. I tend to give it time, think about it, till my brain works out ways to represent it in a format that seems more tangible than before. An idea needs a support base to build itself on.

6. Idea Germination of Search Query Relevance

It is an exhilarating experience to germinate an idea into a concept. Why exhilarating? Because it is a creative process, it is when I give my thoughts some shape and form.Concentrate on a path less trodden. No one likes to see what they have already seen before.
Back it up with a systematic approach of conceptualization, till there is a more tangible outcome. This is when you decide how you would like your blog to be perceived.
I firmly believe in the golden rule that an idea needs to be germinated into a concept. Conceptualizing an idea spark has immense benefits. Think, think, think! Till the brain works out ways to represent it in a format more comprehensible than before.

7. Uniqueness of Search Query Relevance

Initially, I decided to develop a travel blog, where I could put forth a myriad of experiences. But what would my blog represent? Only unrelated places that had no significance to the reader other than information? That is when I realized that there is a wealth of such information already available on the web. Information about hotels, journeys, maps, travel methods etc is freely available, and unless there is a major differentiator, it would just be one among many.

8. Knowing of Search Query Relevance

Add further value, by turning it into a unique concept. Identify your USP. Here to sell, right?!
So the idea was to create a travel blog, but there was no originality to that idea. Eventually, an idea will lead to a concept, when one defines a path less trodden, and more appealing than what is presently known and available. As an example, I intertwined my journey with vivid life experiences, such as an evolving friendship, an old couple’s long cherished dream, a blossoming love story, etc.

Thus, it became an unique experience for the reader, detailed yet evocative, a journey that held more meaning than the eventual destination. It certainly helped that these stories were about real people and real experiences (with a certain amount of artistic liberty), though of course, the names had to be changed for obvious reasons.

9. The Target Audience of Search Query Relevance

Target AudienceAt the very outset, I would like to do away with the notion that a successful blog is one that impresses all kinds of people of all age groups from all walks of life. That is a very dangerous generalization to make, nothing short of an illusionary Utopian dream!

10. Targeting of Search Query Relevance

Do not write to impress, but it must impress you!A conscious decision needs to be taken in this context, and once the target audience has been defined, there are various techniques to pursue this target group in order to get noticed. But one step at a time, please. For the moment, I would say I have never let myself forget that these are the people who matter – they are my strongest allies and I am afraid, my worst critics too.

11. The Execution of Search Query Relevance

This is one of the most important steps in the entire blogging process. I have learnt the hard way that a cluttered blog does fend off quite a few readers, who might never come back again. Sounds scary enough? Yes, enough to strip the blissful sleep off my tired eyes!

12. Layout of Search Query Relevance

Personally I prefer a layout which tends to follow a natural flow of different elements. The elements exist with a certain harmony, without being an aberration to one another in the entire construct. It is also nice to have an artistic order in the scheme of things, without disturbing the logicality of the placement. We cannot forget to consider the visual appeal, can we?

However, initially I had a tendency to include too many images in the narrative – informative or otherwise (they looked so pretty!), only to realize later that the post turned out to seem like an overzealous attempt to impress. It’s plain overkill!

13. Frequency of Search Query Relevance

The tricky thing about deciding on the frequency of blog posts is that if they are too few and far between, you might just lose out on an opportunity to create a follower base. But committing yourself to impractical, unachievable timelines, does you more harm than good.

14. Factors of Search Query Relevance

The theme of my blog post.The inherent caliber to produce a credible post within the given time frame. Self-evaluation is a must.The amount of time I can hold my followers’ attention and loyalty, ensuring that a time gap does not drive them away. It is a nagging question, and not easy to decide upon, but it is vital point nonetheless.

15. Networking of Search Query Relevance

For me, blogging is an unique opportunity to connect with people. But to connect, it is equally important to reach out. Building a human connect is no less than an art, and to nurture the connection is one of the cornerstones of success in the world of blogging.

Subscribing to other blogs is a way of giving attention to your could-be readers. Sometimes, they return the favor. I mean let’s face it, everyone likes a bit of attention. It is a good way to connect the dots and widen the circle. Before you know it, you have earned yourself a few friends. I usually do not exercise too much discretion while choosing whom to subscribe to, so long as it is a good mix of experienced and inexperienced people.

16. Meaningful Comments of Search Query Relevance

Appreciate others; the act of appreciating others does not take anything away from you. I make it a point to leave some meaningful and helpful comments on the blog posts I read. Not only does it help to get noticed and your opinions are, in turn, valued. It can give rise to engaging discussions, which form the basis of reader interaction.

17. Focus on engaging of Search Query Relevance

You must have noticed, as much as I have, how clogged the internet space is with web content. Unless someone comes across the kind of content that they find stirring, or an issue that evokes a natural response, there is no reason to expect recognition. It helps to discuss controversial topics, or make subliminal references to topics, social or otherwise, that generates a vigorous, intense reaction. The cons of this is that I have had to be prepared to face negativity but the noise helps; it is infinitely better than silence.

18. Spread The Word of Search Query Relevance

Shamelessness is the key that opens several locks! It might sound very in-your-face but this is one tactic that almost always works. I can vouch for this and say that it exudes an impression of you which suggests that you are eager, that you are willing to travel the distance.So people, it helps to be a little shameless and promote yourself. Spread the word. Market yourself. You want to be able to sell, don’t you?

19. Sharing of Search Query Relevance

These days tiny little buttons turn the world around, round and round and round! One click and an entire web community sees you, knows you and you arrive. That’s the magic of buttons. So I always go click, click, click! Facebook, Twitter, Google Plus, emails – whatever way I find to share the link to my blog. It’s my dream, so I will need to find the way and slog relentlessly.The wonderful thing about these social networks is that the people are unusually kind. They will not hesitate to read, so long as it is eye-catching, and they are nice enough to re-share. In that sense, Twitter’s re-tweet feature is a godsend. Every re-tweet exposes the shared blog to an almost entirely new group of people.

20. Request of Search Query Relevance

Remember the difference between linear and exponential growth? That is the difference I am talking about. So it is not wise to just hope that the beauty of your content will make you popular. The world is twisted, so simplistic approaches will not help. When I share, I also request those who read to share, always. It is about being a little eager to excel.

21. Visibility of Search Query Relevance

This came to my attention only when I had suffered enough. While there were a considerable number of people who read and commented on my blog, no one quite seemed to share it enough. The placement of the share buttons may seem to be a no-brainer issue, but when you look from the reader’s viewpoint, you will understand. The reader perhaps does not care a dime whether you get the attention you require. He/she will certainly not strive hard to get you that attention. Unless the method is fairly simple and easy to locate, that mileage will certainly be lost.

22. Backlinks of Search Query Relevance

It is worth taking the backlinks feature seriously. It can open up an entire gamut of discussion involving readers from other blogs which have content similar to my own. In short, backlinks provide a reference to other blogs that link to my posts, one way or another. I have incredibly benefitted by the way it drives blog traffic, web presence, reader exposure, by merely doing so little as saying that someone else has provided a link to my post in his/her blog. Thus, together we thrive as a community!

23. Fellow Bloggers of Search Query Relevance

I have an inherent, nagging quality of questioning and evaluating myself. While it takes a bit of toll on my inner peace, it brings forth all the right questions. And sometimes interesting answers too! The same applies to blogging. The key lies in being dissatisfied with oneself, in looking around at fellow bloggers and in continuous, determined learning. I tend to ponder upon the posts of successful bloggers, who attract a lot of traffic. They must be doing something right that you might have missed.

24. Exercise of Search Query Relevance

The structure of the posts and setting the pace.Their style of networking with people.Landing an opportunity to submit a guest blog.Search Engine Optimization (SEO). Search Engine Optimization, commonly known as SEO, is a formidable concept – Accept it. During my early days in the blogging world, I felt technologically challenged and frequently suffered nervous pangs at the mention of such jargon. Ignoring them only complicates the mess, SEO is here to stay.

25. Navigation of Search Query Relevance

It can be a dent on reputation if fantastic content is not supported by a web page which has a elegant design to boast of. Often, the navigation is so complex that it involves a fair bit of rocket science. Okay, maybe not rocket science but it does tie up my brain in knots! Now that is not a good situation to be in. Nobody is keen to work through a maze to get around the blog pages. Given that some people like me have a barely-there sense of direction, it is a serious blunder to expect readers to keep high levels of patience. Navigation through a web blog should be, at the very least, intuitive. Clear and easy-to-follow designs say a lot about the state of your brain.

This is intense – keywords can make or break the visibility of the blog. A little research gives you right signals about how helpful the keywords are in locating my blog during a search that Google performs. This is the part I never hurry through, because the mighty Google bases its results and determines a page’s relevance using these keywords. So after all the effort and the sleepless nights, one could just end up with a blog that Google never cares to find. Now who would want something like that? It makes sense to pick up a few keywords and check how Google treats them in terms of searching the seemingly ever-elusive blog!

26. Love and Respect of Search Query Relevance

One can easily start a journey alone, but reaching the destination requires more than just a kick start. It requires more than sheer will power and tenacity. I can never dare to ignore the fact that the people I know, interact with and dream along with are the ones who make me and bring out the best in me, every step of the way. They add fuel to the easily extinguishable fire in our hearts to excel. They make me break, they make me hold myself together. Their success inspires mine, their failures are a lesson for me too.


There are a couple of things you should also avoid when optimizing your site for keywords, so be careful of the following sketchy SEO practices some people (mind-bogglingly) still use:

A) Never hide keywords. Whether by using the same color background as you do for the text, hiding them behind images, or off to the side using CSS. (I know, I can’t believe I have to say it.) Doing this is not approved by search engines and can result in penalties, and just simply won’t be effective.

B) Avoid keyword stuffing. Avoid stuffing keywords in titles, headings, descriptions page content, and URLs. This appears spammy and is not approved by search engines.

C) Don’t force keywords where they don’t belong. This isn’t quite the same as stuffing a lot of keywords into a post. This is more about not forcing a keyword in — even if it’s just one — if it doesn’t belong, contextually. (Note: If you can’t figure out a place to put a keyword in a piece of content, it’s often a sign the content isn’t that well-aligned with what your personas need, anyway.)

Final words:

People make society, people make communities, and people make up the giant Blogosphere. Not mere blogs. That is why I believe in cementing relationships before taking a plunge into the race for glory.A little love, compassion and respect towards fellow bloggers, a little help, a tiny piece of advice when the going gets tough, and when someone is down and out, make the essential pillars of the castle of dreams that we are trying to build. Let us make sure the pillars last long enough.A busy marketer with a lot of things on your plate. SEO need not fall to the bottom of your priority list because of a lack of knowledge, or worse — fear you’re doing it wrong. The most important thing to consider is your visitor’s user experience. Think about them first, and search engines second, and you’ll be alright.