Best 5 Festive thoughts of Entrepreneurs in days of competition
It is universal truth that modern technology has brought more tough competition in the business and marketing field. Every job less youth wants to become an entrepreneur but only a few get success in his/her mission of entrepreneurship.  Today we live in a time where getting jobs is as hard as ever. The job market is not very strong, especially for millennials, and the jobs that were expected upon graduation just aren’t there.
Best 5 Festive thoughts of Entrepreneurs in days of competition

There is no better time than NOW for you to begin to put your ideas out there; we to take your fate in their own hands, and create your own job. So, Folks are being looking to grow & celebrate their business as festival every day.
The premise of this event is to bring together like-minded, students, young professionals, and other aspiring entrepreneurs from a variety of areas of expertise (creative, food, art/entertainment, technology, and product & consumer products) together to share, gain insight, and celebrate entrepreneurship. But most importantly, bring together high energy and fun to what the word entrepreneurship, which normally brings about the feelings of very broad and boring connotation to it. So, it is better to attend some emerging entrepreneurs Festival be ready to digest a good amount of time saving success. Â Bellow are the motto of an entrepreneur’s festive mode-
1. Innovation:- To encourage new business ideas and visions, not to try to add on to what is already in the marketplace.
2. Education:- To provide thorough content for our attendees, how to create proper business plans, and intricate details one should look into before one starts a business.
3. Act:- The difference between this festival and other entrepreneur events/conferences, is that by the end if the festival, we would like to actually see ideas converted to businesses. We will reiterate to our audience that, ideas that aren’t executed are just ideas. Action and taking those first steps into the unknown, is what is what it is going to take to change the world.
4. Engage:- Collaboration and the sharing of ideas is what is missing in our communities. Getting young people from a variety of backgrounds to come together to share insights with one another.
5. Promote:- We want to be able to give you a platform to be able to help give your company more exposure. It is hard for a new start-up to gain new customers, and to network with others going through the same struggles as them. We’ll have veteran entrepreneurs, as well as young & successful entrepreneurs to help you on your journey.
In my view, it should be patronized by senior entrepreneurs for successors to get ready for next level or generation where Government or NGOs can play vital role.